vba excel
Sub start()
Dim strPath strPath1 strLocalPath strLocalBook As String
Dim strBook strBook1 As String
Dim strGyou strGyou1 As String
Dim strReso strReso1 As String
Dim strSheet(20) As String
Dim strKikan strKikan1 As String
Dim strOS strChartMkbn strChartClm As String
Dim dblClm dblClm1 As String
Dim dblRow dblRow1 As String
Dim dblsetData(1441) As String
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim strObjName As String
Dim strObj As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim result_copy As String
# 変数セット start
★エラーになるので一時 out しておぐ
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.Title = 日次リソースフォルダを選んでね
.InitialFileName = Sheet1.Cells(15 3)
If .Show = True Then
strPath = .SelectedItem(1)
End If
End With
strLocalPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
strLocalBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
strGyou = Sheet1.Cells(2 3)
strReso = Sheet1.Cells(3 3)
strOS = Sheet1.Cells(10 3)
strChartMkbn = Sheet1.Cells(11 3)
strChartClm = Sheet1.Cells(13 3)
If Sheet1.Cells(12 3) = 折れ線 Then varChartType = 4
If Sheet1.Cells(12 3) = Then varChartType = 65
If Sheet1.Cells(12 3) = Then varChartType = 76
intRow = 25
# 作業用シート
a = 3
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(4 a) =
★シートつぐっちゃうので 一時 out しておぐ
strSheet(a) = Sheet1.Cells(4 a)
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = strSheet(a)
# output file あるなら delete
If Dir(strLocalPath & ¥ & strSheet(a) & _tmp.txt ) <> Then
Kill strLocalPath & ¥ & strSheet(a) & _tmp.txt
End If
MsgBox a [ & a & ] strSheet(a)[ & strSheet(a) & ]
a = a + 1
dblClm = Sheet1.Cells(7 3)
dblClm1 = Sheet1.Cells(8 3)
# 変数セット end
# main start
# a は 日がはいる 20130329 20130330 20130331
For a = Sheet1.Cells(5 3) To Sheet1.Cells(5 4)
strBook = strGyou & strReso & _ & a & .xls
strPath1 = D:¥ファイルパス¥vba_macro¥ & strBook